Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Ok, Ok... I messed up AGAIN with my update, but SC and I have figured out what the problem was today - and yet again, I am sorry for the duplicate update! It will be fixed today, and those images will be deleted and the new photos will be replaced with the correct images, whoops!

Ok, the details are posted and the Southern Charms Get-Together in Charlotte, NC August 25, 2007 - (we call them "Bashes"), and I will be there for the "Meet & Greet", however, I am only there to MEET fans, I am not interested in taking photos with any of my Members, unless its a friendly hug and a smile for the camera for you to take home with you! You can go to the link below for more information on who is attending, and more information!

I am still behind on answering my emails, you will have a response back by the end of the weekend! Please note, my Members can email me at my AOL account, rather than my Yahoo email... I get a lot of spam and fan mail, and it takes along time for me to answer the fan mail, but my Members I LOVE hearing from you, so try to email me on my AOL account for a faster response -

With Your Membership You have Full Access to Southern Charms Members Appreciation Section - Lots Of HOT PORN, or so I've been told (giggle) - FREE as Long as your a current Member of my site here!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Soft core meandering

My email box is FULL again, aw man, I just got caught up too (giggle) - Please bare with me, I answer all of my own email, sometimes it takes me a few days with my busy personal schedule, but I will get to it, weekends is usually the best time for me to sit down and answer each and everyone of you!

Yes, I know, my last update was not right (I DID get all your emails), it was a repeat, and I am sooo SORRY!!! SC is closed on the weekends, so they could not fix it until yesterday (monday) - BUT, you will still get your three updates this week sweetie, I will be updating Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week! I promised 3 updates a week, and that is what you will get... plus all the extra Bonus Photo Sets too.. my galleries are growing fast for only being back a month, eh?

Ok, so I have received a few emails asking the same question over and over, so Ill go ahead and answer it here, incase there are a few others wondering the same thing, but to shy to ask me! (he he)

I have been asked why I don't always show full nudity "pink" spreads in all my galleries... well, one because this is something I do in my spare time for fun, this is not a "job"... I do what I feel is sexy on that particular day, and also, I believe once you have seen the goods, why do the same thing in every photo gallery.. I have posted several "soft-core" photo galleries, and then in between I have posted a few that show several with my legs wide open (giggle) I like to keep it fun, and different, otherwise it gets boring...

Sometimes, I feel very sexy just teasing my Fans and Members... leave something to the imagination, ya know? :-)

I'm an Amateur, not a Porn Star - Some appreciate what I have to offer, a real "girl next door", however, others are looking for something a little more hard core, and that's totally fine! But please no yucky emails, that's not nice, I am not a professional, nor do I have the desire to ever be one. I just want to have some fun, kay!

Ok, so that's pretty much it on my end, just wanted to check in and say HELLO... I posted a little Welcome Video on my Photos Page, what do you think? (ha ha)

I love taking pictures, but when I see myself on film I think I look silly, and crack myself up... I actually had more sound to the video clip, but I was drinking a rum and coke, and well soda makes me burp... and so I had to cut that part out... I almost left it in there, because it made me laugh so hard when I watched it (giggle)... That's why I was laughing so hard during the video - for those who were wondering! (laughing as I type this - he he) Ok, now that I am telling all of my secrets, I will stop while I am ahead... ha ha ha - have a great day!



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In the Beginning... Betty Style

Life has been extremely busy for me lately, work, dogs, errands, friends, trying to find time to answer email - but not very successful this past week (I'm sorry)... but you don't want to hear about that, and I am not a good fibber, so I decide I would answer the most common question I get asked by my fans and members!

"How in the world did you get started doing Amateur Porn"?

Ha ha... its actually a very interesting story (giggle)

In 2002, I owned a business, and in the same shopping plaza was a photo studio, and I had hired the photographer/owner to do some work for my company. We hit it off, and eventually became friends.

One Friday afternoon, I invited him to lunch, and he said he couldn't make it, he was leaving work early that day to get some things for a party he was having that night at his home, and invited me to join. I accepted the offer, and then he proceeded to tell me, that it wasn't like a real party... (giggle) he was having some models over, to do some photo shoots, and there were several people coming in from out of town with some cars and motorcycles as well for the photo props. I asked him, if there would be food and beer, he said "ya", I said Ill be there! (ha ha)

He then tells me that there may be some sexual activity, I was then a little nervous! Ha ha.. What the hell, there would be "models" there, and I had a product to sell, it would be free advertising, so I decided to go ahead and join the get together.

I arrived, and immediately was welcomed, everyone was so friendly, and I sat around and drank beer and chatted up a storm with the "models" in between their photo shoots. They were having so much fun, and just so confident and happy and free... and I just clicked with one of the girls, after going on and on, how good her homemade fiesta dip was, Ill never forget it, she is standing in front of me nakid and I am writing down the recipe for it on the back of a ATM slip in my purse. I think we talked about the dip for about 30 minutes, that's what happens after you drink to much (ha ha)

After a few hours, watching the "porn stars" do their photo shoots, my new friend gave me the website to see her work, guess what, the website was to here, Southern Charms! Yup, my new found friends were all models here, and I thought they were just the coolest bunch of girls I had ever met.

Several weeks had past, and I was now on the invite list to their little social gatherings, and they kept asking when I was going to join them. I always politely said, No thanks!

Well, one night I had gotten completely trashed, and decided I wanted to take a few photos, nothing too revealing, just some sexy photos for my own keeping. I told everyone to go inside, and NOT to watch me, I was embarrassed, ha ha... so they all went inside, and the camera man started clicking away... I looked up, and there in the kitchen window was about 15 heads all trying to get a peak of me, and all started cheering and yelling "Take It Off"! Ill never forget that! The photos were only topless, however it was my first time ever doing such a thing, and it took me about a week to put the CD in my computer to look at the photos, I was embarrassed for MYSELF... (giggle)

I poured myself a glass of wine, lighted up a cigarette, and my heart raced as I looked at the photos... once I saw them, I thought, hey I don't look that bad, maybe if my eyes were not so glossy from having a few too many beers!

So that is the beginning, and with each social I was invited to I got a little more daring each time, and then next thing you know, my charm friends FINALLY talked me into joining Southern Charms, and my site would have been live for 3 years, next month - the week of 4th of July!

I met my friends 4 years ago, and many of them are now some of my most cherished relationships. Its funny how life works, if I had not attended that party and had been close minded, I would have missed out on so many wonderful adventures and some really awesome friendships!

Prior to meeting my new friends, I was very close-minded, did not have any self confidence, did not feel pretty or sexy, and was very nervous about what people thought of me. Now, I am so over it, and refuse to be around judgmental people, those who you have to always be "politically correct" around, and conservative - only to prove yourself and get acceptance. Nah, I think Ill just hang with my friends where I can be myself, a wild a free spirit - and then I can enjoy each and every day... and not have to put on an act when amongst different groups of "friends".

Now, if I could only convert the woman at the office to be a little more open minded, I would be all set - ha ha... they enjoy the "water cooler gossip" to much, and its usually about ME! Hey, if I am that important to be the main topic of gossip everyday, because of my short skirts, that's not so bad! I have been called worse ... (giggle) If I ever resign from the company, Ill have a Resignation Party at my home, and invite all my fun girlfriends, maybe I can open their eyes to how much fun life CAN be if you just live a little ... ha ha...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Weekend Fun

Hey Boyfriend! Wow, what a weekend! I spent 4 wonderful days with several of my friends who are also "charms" at a resort and let me tell you, we had the BEST time! We should have set up web-cams for all to enjoy, we definitely know how to have a good time when we all get together ;-)

We drank, we danced, we sunbathed nude, we laughed, and just had so much fun - I am so tired, I need another vacation to recuperate from that vacation! (ha ha)

I have enjoyed receiving all of your emails, and now with me taking a few days off I am behind on replying so please be patient, I will reply as soon as I get a moment! Promise ;-)

Back to work tomorrow, the "real world" is so boring, to bad they don't offer insurance and a 401K on Southern Charms.. (LOL)

Have a great day sweetheart!

